'Hill to Fork' Wednesday May 6th 9.30 - 17.00
'Hill to Fork' Wednesday May 6th 9.30 - 17.00
An opportunity for a very special hill to plate journey.
You will start your day at Gledpark, a UNESCO certified producer of park venison. Discover how native deer in their home range are managed with welfare as a core motivation in the breeding of these iconic animals. Learn their life cycle, witness natural behaviours and freedoms and discover why most are destined to go live to other locations in the UK as breeding stock. Having got up close and personal you will understand the science behind the growing fashion driving Venison consumption. Cameras are a must.
After your tour, you will have lunch at the Award Winning Station House Cafe. Post lunch you will be treated to a demonstration of venison cookery from the Cookery School's owner Nick Morris. He will demonstrate how to prepare and cook different cuts and explain why they need different techniques.
The final element of the day sees you with your own dedicated workstation in our purpose built student kitchens - where you will prepare a delicious venison dish yourself.
A full day which will build your confidence in the ethicacy of our traditional game and your ability to do it justice in your own kitchen.
Premium Event
If you would like help with accommodation we work closely with the beautiful Selkirk Arms Hotel just a five minute walk from the school to provide the complete package. Just ask Nick for details.